

usage: wildfire-to-stix.py [--version] [-t <pan-python tag>] [--verbose]
                           [-h <hash>] [--help] [-i <report filename>]
                           [--no-pcap] [--pcap <pcap source>] [--no-sample]
                           [--sample <sample source>] [-f <output format>]
                           [-o <output filename>]

Convert Palo Alto Networks Wildfire reports to STIX/MAEC

optional arguments:
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -t <pan-python tag>, --tag <pan-python tag>
                        pan-python tag for Wildfire API
  --verbose             verbose
  -h <hash>, --hash <hash>
                        hash of the sample
  --help                help
  -i <report filename>, --in <report filename>
                        local Wildfire report
  --no-pcap             do not include pcap
  --pcap <pcap source>  pcap filename or 'network' for retriving from Wildfire
  --no-sample           do not include sample
  --sample <sample source>
                        sample filename or 'network' for retriving from
                        Wildfire API
  -f <output format>, --outfmt <output format>
                        output format
  -o <output filename>, --out <output filename>
                        output filename
  -e <evidence score>, --evidence <evidence score>
                        minimum evidence score